dilluns, 31 de maig del 2010

Dance Shoes: so important?

Regardless the dance stile you may practise, dance shoes have become an essential element, often a key one. Being the attire more dependant on fashion and aesthetic tastes, in each dance stile shoes cannot change that much. Every dance has its own shoe. Some of them are easily recognized by non-experts, like the ballet shoes (although in fact there are many different types of ballet shoes). But, have you ever heard about: tap-dance shoes, latin shoes, irish dance shoes, swing and jazz shoes?.
Every dance has its shoes, probably because every dance has its soul.

Classic ballet not so classic

Around the world dance can show us different cultures and their roots. But, what is the most popular dance style? Actual the ballet is considered the foundation of all dance. This is probably why ballet is knowed in all the world for many people.

Today, we can find many dance companies, these are some of them:

Boston Ballet:
San Francisco Ballet:
Cuban Ballet:

Anaheim Ballet

diumenge, 30 de maig del 2010

What does dancing mean to you?

"Dance is an art form that generally refers to movement of the body, usually rhythmic and to music,[1] used as a form of expression, social interaction or presented in a spiritual or performance setting."

This is the formal definition but, what is dancing for you?
I chose my vocation when I was 5 years and I didn't knew that dance would be one of the things that mark my life. For me dance is one more reason to get up in the morning. A hope to bet for, an ambition to fight for and to go on in my development as a human being.

For me dance is to be alive.

...live, laugh, love, DANCE

This blog is created for people who live in a world where dance plays a major role. Here you will find a lot of things related to your favorite hooby.It's not important if you're big or small, if you're boy or girl.If you really like dance this is your blog.